Strengthening Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA) in Rwanda through the KCOA-KHEA Project and EOA Initiative

In early August, the KHEA Regional Project Team represented by Mr. Francis Nsanga the KHEA Project Manager, Ephraim Indeche-KHEA Project Accountant, Venancia Wambua – Head of Programs for KHEA&EOA-I Projects under Biovision Africa Trust in Kenya conducted a significant support supervision and monitoring visit to Rwanda, focusing on the collaborative efforts with the Rwanda Organic Agriculture Movement (ROAM) a Country Implementing Partner on the KCOA-KHEA Project. 

The ROAM team was represented by the CEO-Lise Dusabe, KHEA Project Officer-Serge Libaho, Head of Programs-Dieudonne Sindikubwabo, Jeniffer Mutamuliza-M&E Officer, Bienvenu Semushi-Admin and Finance Manager, Eric Nelly-Accountant and Communications officer- Peace Ishimwe.


This five-day visit, from August 5 to 9, was marked by key meetings and site visits aimed at advancing the goals of the KHEA Project and the broader Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA) initiatives in Rwanda.

During the visit, the KHEA Project team held an entry meeting with the ROAM team where they discussed the week’s program with planned activities and came up with strategies and implementation plan for mission with the ROAM team. 

After the planning for the week, the KHEA Project Manager oriented the ROAM new staff i.e. the Communications Officer – Peace Ishimwe on KCOA-KHEA Project. 

The orientation covered the strategic focus, focus areas of the Project, the master workplan, results matrix, reporting templates and contracting process. The orientation also covered the key partners of the projects and the linkages between the KHEA Hub and others KCOA Hubs.

Review Meeting and Market Insights: EOA-I Project Implementing Partners:

A meeting was held with the Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative (EOA-I) Project Implementing Partners (PIPs) to review progress, achievements, challenges, lessons learned, and plans for the remaining period. Notable achievements included the establishment of a community market by Koperative Twitezimbere Bahinzi b’imbuto n’imboga. This cooperative, located approximately two hours’ drive from Kigali, supports local farmers by generating income from the sale of organic fruits and vegetables.


Following the meeting, the team visited an organic market, which provided valuable insights into the commercialization and consumer acceptance of organic produce. This tour was instrumental in understanding market dynamics and the growing demand for organic products in Rwanda.

A Strategic Meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture in Rwanda-Meeting with the Chair National Steering Committee EOA:

KHEA’s Regional Project Team, along with ROAM CEO Lise Dusabe, visited the Ministry of Agriculture for a partners’ meeting with Mr. Emmanuel Twagirayezu, the Focal Person for ROAM and the Chair National Steering Committee EOA-I Initiative. The primary objective of this meeting was to offer a courtesy call and update the Ministry on the latest developments and progress of the KCOA-KHEA and EOA-I initiatives, reinforcing the strong collaborative ties between the organizations and the Ministry.

Advancing Organic Agriculture: A Visit to University of Technology and Arts of Byumba (UTAB)

The team also visited the University of Technology and Arts of Byumba (UTAB), a key partner in the KCOA-KHEA Project and the EOA Initiative. UTAB is instrumental in advancing organic agriculture through education and research.

The team met with Vice Chancellor Fr. Gilbert, Deputy Vice Chancellor Dr. Elieza Niyonzima, and faculty members, including Isaac Mubashankwaya and Martin. Discussions focused on the university’s role in supporting the agricultural sector, its achievements, and future plans. The Vice Chancellor highlighted that UTAB was founded to develop agriculture.

Key achievements included:

  • Student-Farmer Partnerships: Linking students with farmers for research and validation.
  • Awards and Production: Six students received awards to establish a unit producing organic inputs.
  • Research Output: Publication of 20 papers on organic agriculture and agroecology.

The visit underscored UTAB’s vital role in promoting sustainable agriculture and innovation.

Showcasing Organic Practices

To conclude the 5 day visit, the team visited the Centre for AgroEcological Practices and Conservation of Nature (CAPCN), an Associate Partner of ROAM on the KCOA-KHEA Project. CAPCN’s demo site offered a firsthand look at their organic fertilizer production, utilizing machinery to support sustainable farming practices. This visit highlighted the practical applications of organic agriculture and showcased the effective use of technology in enhancing production.

A Vision for Sustainable Agriculture: The Rwanda Organic Agriculture Movement (ROAM) continues to play a crucial role as a Country Implementing Partner in the KCOA KHEA Project. This visit exemplifies the strong partnership and shared commitment to advancing ecological organic agriculture, driving sustainable practices, and fostering growth within the agricultural sector.

Through collaborative efforts and strategic engagements, KHEA and ROAM are paving the way for a more sustainable and prosperous future in agriculture, enhancing both local practices and regional initiatives.


Prepared by Pamella Magino